Kenya Samburu AA
Monosort Samburu AA - these are 100% Kenyan Arabica beans, which are classified as exclusive varieties. The designation AA is assigned to elongated grains of the same size.
Samburu is grown in the southwest of Kenya, Nyanza province, district of Kissia. Let's take a look at some of the factors that influence monosort is truly special:
- rugged terrain of Kissia - height of growth varies from 1500 to 2350 m above sea level
- climate - Kissia is located in a high-altitude equatorial climate, so it rains almost all year round
- производство - coffee is grown by small farmers who own only a few small plantations no larger than 2.5 hectares
- processing features - Ripe berries arrive at the washed processing station, then undergo fermentation, after which they are washed with clean water. The next stage is drying on African beds, during which defective grains are manually selected.
Samburu is grown in the southwest of Kenya, Nyanza province, district of Kissia. Let's take a look at some of the factors that influence monosort is truly special:
- rugged terrain of Kissia - height of growth varies from 1500 to 2350 m above sea level
- climate - Kissia is located in a high-altitude equatorial climate, so it rains almost all year round
- производство - coffee is grown by small farmers who own only a few small plantations no larger than 2.5 hectares
- processing features - Ripe berries arrive at the washed processing station, then undergo fermentation, after which they are washed with clean water. The next stage is drying on African beds, during which defective grains are manually selected.
Now about the main thing: coffee from the Samburu region, like any African Arabica, has a mild taste and pronounced sourness. The body is dense, there are shades of cherry and cranberry in the taste, notes of flower pollen in the aroma.
Variety description
Coffee Factory
100% Арабика
250 г / 500 г / 1000 г
Кения, провинция Ньянза, округ Киссии
Processing method:
Growth height:
1450 - 1750 м
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