Arabica or Robusta, what is the difference between espresso and americano, how to brew coffee? Every second person probably knows the answers to all these and other questions about their favorite drink. But what if you used to buy ground or instant coffee in a regular store, but now you decide to join the coffee culture and prepare an invigorating drink at home according to all the rules? Coffee Factory advises. In this article, we'll go over the basics you need to know when choosing coffee beans.

Let's look at the packaging first.

Before you buy whole bean coffee, pay attention to its packaging, because the quality of the drink largely depends on the method and storage conditions.

Proper packaging keeps beans dry, and a one-way valve allows excess oil to evaporate to the outside. It is believed that the most intense taste of the grain is acquired 2-4 weeks after roasting. Later, the quality of coffee begins to deteriorate, which is why it is so important to choose a freshly roasted product. Information about the date and degree of roasting must be indicated on the package, along with the percentage of robusta and arabica.

wholesale coffee beans

Also, the manufacturer can indicate the country of harvest and list the main characteristics of a particular mixture or variety. If the product is flavored, then a distinction should be made between natural and artificial types of flavoring. Spices and spices are natural, and any other additives, such as chocolate or alcohol, are artificially added to the composition.

Arabica or Robusta? And what is Liberica?

Yes, yes, we are used to hearing only the first two names, but in fact there are a little more of them. We explain.

These names are not coffee varieties or types, as many believe. Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, Excelsa - these are the 4 main varieties of trees (there are about 80 in total), and each of them has several varieties. Coffee lovers are only interested in two - Arabica and Robusta, since it is their grains that have the most pleasant and pronounced coffee flavor. The grains of these trees account for about 98% of world production.

In order not to get into the wilds of botany, we offer you a simple list of distinctive characteristics that are important when choosingcoffee in grains.




Grain shape

Large oval with a curved groove

Fine round with a straight groove


Subtle aroma, softness

Thick coffee foam, fortress


1.1 - 1.7%

2 - 4.5%


Intense, pronounced sweetish with sourness

Astringent with bitterness


Trees are whimsical in cultivation, so the price of fruits is much higher

Trees bear fruit more often, do not require careful care, the price of fruits is lower

Robusta beans are used, as a rule, in the manufacture of instant coffee, and blends. Arabica is the main ingredient of monosorts. But it should be remembered that the country where fruits are grown and climatic conditions can significantly affect the taste, and Brazilian Arabica will definitely differ from that produced in India. Brazil, Guatemala, Ethiopia, Kenya, Colombia are considered the best coffee producers.

Roast levels

degree of roast

Roasting is the process during which the fruits of the coffee tree acquire their usual taste and chocolate shades. It may come as a surprise to someone, but ripe beans have a light green color, and only their high-quality roasting allows you to get aromatic coffee with a pleasant taste.

There are 3 degrees of roasting beans, everything is simple here: light, medium and dark (depending on the color that they acquire during cooking).

Consider their main differences.

Light roast

light roast

Taste: With sourness

Smell: Saturated

Features: contains the most caffeine, retains notes of taste and aroma characteristic of the region of cultivation, grains are dry

It is purchased at a heating temperature of 180 to 205 ° C, at high temperatures the coffee beans begin to grow and crack (therefore, this type of roasting is also called "to the first crack", from the English "crack" - a crack).

Medium roast

medium roast

Taste: Bitter-sweet, slightly sour

Smell: Rich, smoky

Features: grains are dry, caramel flavor appears

It is prepared at a temperature of 210-230°C, between the first and second crack, and acquires a bitter taste. Light and medium roast beans are most often used during tastings, because. only under such cooking conditions is the authentic aroma and taste preserved.

Dark roast

dark roast

Taste: Sweet, bitter

Smell: Coffee, with burnt notes

Peculiarities: oils begin to stand out on the surface, it is most easily absorbed by the stomach, the taste is caramel-chocolate

Roasting temperature - 240-250°C, obtained after the second crack. Varieties of dark roast are most often used in the preparation of espresso. However, not all varieties can withstand such temperatures without turning into ordinary coal to taste.

The choice of degree of roasting depends on personal preferences and may vary. Some, for example, drink light roasted coffee (the most invigorating) in the morning and enjoy freshly roasted dark coffee in the evening. It should also be taken into account that grains from different cultivation regions have different shades and taste properties. You may have to try more than one variety before you find your perfect one.